Growing Up by A.M

childrenGrowing up is hard. It’s not easy. You’re a big boy now. Primary school was light work. Not going to lie, I did cry (but only a little bit). Do I miss it? Of course I do. Why? Because life was much easier. Growing up is scary. People expect more of you, have more responsibility, GCSEs, and life is just not what it used to be. This is the age where you should have an idea of what you want to do in the future. I tell my parents what I want to be and they tell me to be more realistic because this is the ‘real world’ (doesn’t that annoy you?), but you know what else annoys me? It’s having a little brother/sister (don’t get me wrong, I do love him) but it’s like he was sent from another planet to annoy me.

Growing up happens very quickly. You won’t even realise it’s happening. Believe it or not, when you get to secondary you will wish you were still in primary. Life gets harder and harder. But it’s not all bad. Growing up can be fun too. You have your whole future ahead of you. You get to meet new people and experience new things. I don’t know what the future has planned out for me and, to be honest, I don’t really want to know. What’s the point of living if you know what’s going to happen? It’s meant to be surprise.

I always had an idea of what my future was going to be like. But things change. Things are going to change in your life. Things are going to turn out differently than you expected. There are always going to be difficult times in your life (it’s normal). However, there are also going to be times where you’re really happy and you never want them to end.

Doing things wrong is a part of growing up. So don’t be scared. You learn from your mistakes. Next time when you’re in the same situation you will know what to do. But there are things you should already know. Respect is the key to a successful future. You have responsibilities and rights! For example, you have the right to feel safe, but also the responsibility to make others feel safe too. You also have the responsibility to tell the truth whenever asked for it.

That’s really it. That’s all I can tell you about growing up. I’m only fourteen; I still have my whole life ahead of me.

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